Monday, December 7, 2015

Final post

I am a young man with a old mentality. With all honesty, I found this course to be very challenging but useful to me within my career in the future. reason being I am not like most young adults my age. I dont  get in front of a computer for  hours  a day. I dont check emails daily. I rather write and mail things or talk to the teacher in person at that present time. That way I know when I am miss information or receive something need.  A lot of things I learning from this class, I know can help me. such as, knowing the law, when it comes down to copyright. IT IS  A LAW. That me and others for sure dont see it as such. No one is perfect in all they do. So its easy for people to find a little help on the web. but if using someone else thoughts or work to created your own. GIVE THEM CREDIT!

Photo credit : Flicker

here is a brief summary of my semester in this course. to began with, become a 21st century teacher is to want to be and effective leader in our educational system for our students.They must ensure that instructional needs, greatness of teachers, and the ultimate needs of students are considered. As beginning a 21st century teacher have to understand that we as a country is coming to a time where there is no longer open book in the classroom. technology is the key. so its a must that we think about the outcome in the classroom and the results from the students to be successful. which bring me to another chapter 8 that stood out to me, because its a home run when talking about the generation today . Communicating and collaborating with social media, has become  very popular in our economy. There are a host of different ways now to communicate with our media in the educational system. types that we well common use such as text message, email, discussion broads, websites, and even blogs. there are many more but theses are some common ones that are on top. social media is made up to connect with each other through web without actually being physically present. It helps people share photos and new information about personal life issues that might be be going one within and individuals life. therefore the media keeps everyone informed and created a strong campus, community, and city that stick close together. while we see social media has advance through out the years dramatically, whose is to tell if its good or bad for our society. it plays a big part because thats all our children seem to know verse my generation with broad games and playing cards. 

Another topic was chapter 10.  chapter its disuses the success throughout technology with all students.  Teachers can use technology to create universally designed classrooms by utilizing varying technologies to apply to lessons.  Teachers can have multiple technology stations that each pertain to the ways that students learn in their unique way.
         For and example Calculators have become an indispensable tool for utilization in the classroom setting.  All students must be proficient in the functions of varying types of calculators throughout their academic careers.  From your basic large button calculator to the most complicated of graphing and scientific calculators, students must be able to utilize these tools to assist in their success.  Technology has helped people with disabilities gain greater independence and integration in our society. Speech recognition systems, electronic communications, personal computers, robots, and artificial intelligence are transforming people's lives. The movement toward technology in our generation has its use of lighter materials, and higher-capacity information processing devices present even greater opportunities for this population in the future. As schools move to mainstream and provide full inclusion environments for persons with disabilities, it is important that teachers are aware of possibilities with advance technology. Chapter 6 began by describing the important technologies for managing digital content, including social bookmarking and cloud computing. All these section deals with how we use technology to teach students through technology.  The next section talked about organizing electronic resources to address curriculum standards. This section just talks about how to show you how to gather a collection of web resources, organized in a way that allows easy access for teaching.  Another section discussed the use of WebQuests, virtual field trips and videoconferencing as instructional technologies. Which are all three of the same but have different objectives. A webquest is online and is inquire by the student that are designed and guided by the teacher. which in person i had a lot of fun doing. even tho I  am  not good at technology that well, webquest was fun putting together from scratch making some by brainstorming new ideas that you think no one would come up with.


There were many more great lesson thought through out this course, but the lesson outcome was five things, and i believe all those outcomes where met. Communication: To communicate effectively using standard English. Critical Thinking: To demonstrate skills necessary for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Technology/Information Management : To demonstrate the skills and use the technology necessary to collect, verify, document, and organize information from a variety of sources.Global Socio-
‐‐cultural Responsibility: To identify, describe, and apply responsibilities, core civic beliefs, and values present in a diverse society. and lastly Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning: To identify and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods. All theses concepts was thought very well and can be use to better myself as a teacher. this class showed me not only what it is to use technology, but how to use it the proper way. how to make it fun and entertaining, how to apply it to and everyday base of living life.  I really enjoyed this class this semester and look for to using some if not more of these techniques in the future. 

"Clarence Mills." Bitstrips for Schools: Login. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.

Edwards, S. (2014). In Transforming Learning with new technologies (Second ed., pp. 298-321). Person education,inc

Edwards, S. (2011). Transforming with New Technologies. Retrieved December 7, 2015.

Otl, M. (2008, August 18). Fostering Online Learning Community. Retrieved October 28, 2015, from


  1. You are right that technology is here to stay (like it or not!) :) In fact, as you have discovered, its influence is pretty universal, including education. Despite the many challenges, you definitely learned some important concepts and skills in the last few months. I appreciate your persistence and hope that you continue to keep your mind open to new learning. The transformational characteristics of technology are waiting to be developed so I hope you will be ready for all of it in the future. Keep on learning! :)

  2. Even tho this class was challenging for me thanks for push me through it to learn a little more about the way technology works. I enjoyed your class this semester.
