Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bog F

Photo credit to Gary Hayes on  Flickr

Communicating and collaborating with social media, has become  very popular in our economy. There are a host of different ways now to communicate with our media in the educational system. types that we well common use such as text message, email, discussion broads, websites, and even blogs. there are many more but theses are some common ones that are on top. social media is made up to connect with each other through web without actually being physically present. It helps people share photos and new information about personal life issues that might be be going one within and individuals life. therefore the media keeps everyone informed and created a strong campus, community, and city that stick close together. while we see social media has advance through out the years dramatically, whose is to tell if its good or bad for our society.            
Photo credit to Anne Helmond on flickr

while the sites that are view daily by millions of people it also tend to have a influence on our youth behavior, attitudes, struggles in school, and effective communication. we have to know how to treat the media, like we would if it was and actually human. People who don't will never know the advantage on how unsafe the media really is. how someone who don't even know you can find out so much just throughout media . without out you even being aware.  Your communication is very essential, in health and social care setting, because people need`s need  to be meet and messages have to be clear for people to understand what you are trying to say. Although social media is the top form of communication even above cell phones, it has brought many risk. social media has changed a lot in affecting communication methods among people, social and psychological behavior. many people prefer face to face  and many think using social media can be an interference. social media has help and some think it don't.                     


  1. Great job on your photos and correct attribution!! YAY!! Keep it up as you will need to do similar on all similar digital writing assignments (blogs, wikis, websites and even protected sites like Canvas discussions). You mention some great comments and perspectives on this post - remember that you need to have three distinct concepts (I would advise that you separate them out with a line in between the paragraphs). You also need to remember to add your textbook (minimum) as a resource in proper APA citation style.
