Thursday, October 1, 2015

blog post E

This chapter exploring problems dealing with software’s, apps, and games has become more of and worldwide topic in today’s education system. Problem solving and its learning towards the education field has allowed students to use real world situations and issues to actively engage in their lesson. Now you might be thinking when I say problem solving it means trouble; not in this case. In this case we are viewing the different ways we resolve life problems within technology. Such as history, if you wanted to find the different historical world events that took place years ago, you could do so by putting in a name, date, and place of when it took place. With using technology you can grasp a better understanding on what your history was about without taking a guess or wonder what it would have been like in those times. The steps in problem solving would first be to understand the problem. Should identify the type of question being ask, what the question is asking them to do, and what they already know that can help them solve it more easily. That’s when we bring technology. Problem solving actives on the computer may focus on the simple or complex, depending on what’s being asked. But dealing with technology you are bound to run into issues using software such as system and application which are the two main software's. Now their are two other less talked about groups of software which are Standard and Open-Source. Two good examples of these are Firefox Web Browser and Linux operating system. These software's encourage problem solving at every turn. Software is designed like a new car, through out time their are upgrades and better features therefore you feel the need to upgrade to the newer version. As time moves forward our technology gets more advance and skilled into doing different things such as our games and apps. Finding and selecting quality software and apps is a challenging and interesting task. One best way to identify good software is to recognize what constitutes in a poor software.

So when we go into evaluating computer and video games that are played on a daily base, you can see that it’s manly played for fun without any explicates, learning, or educational goals in mind. Edutainment games use the fun of games as a way to grab the interest in students. These games consist of fighting, shooting, mostly sports or something that competes against another person. On the other had were you have educational games that are the same way but no violent and are used to keep you guessing whats going to be next or how to complete a certain level  without even knowing you have to use your brain to figure it out every step of the way. That’s why students play computer, video, and web games on the regular, but education uses are increasing. I believe this chapter cover a lot on how as teacher should approach students when making lesson plans, to capture their attention with technology and keep it, through the different ways that are brought before use.


Works Cited:

 (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2015, from 

Toptipsfeed. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2015, from

It-nerdz. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2015, from

Math Critical Thinking Problem Solving App. (2015, March 10). Retrieved October 2, 2015, from

1 comment:

  1. Some good reflective thoughts about your selected concepts - definitely keep those problem solving strategies in mind as they are great ways to keep students engaged as well scaffold higher level thinking skills. Making that a habit is the best thing we can do for our students. A good video to enhance your text but unfortunately your photos are NOT public domain/Creative Commons and thus should not be used in your blog. It appears that you need to review the 'how to search/embed proper photos' - let me know how I can help.
